
Differential Pressure Transducer VS Differential Pressure Transmitter

Sep 20, 2020

What is a differential pressure sensor?

A differential pressure sensor is a device that measures the difference in pressure between two points. It consists of two pressure sensing elements, each of which is connected to a separate pressure port.

The sensor measures the difference between the two pressures and generates a signal that corresponds to this difference.

Differential pressure sensors are commonly used in applications where the pressure difference between two points needs to be measured, such as in flow measurement, level measurement, and pressure drop measurement.

How does a differential pressure sensor work?

The working principle of a differential pressure sensor is based on the fact that the pressure exerted by a fluid at a given point is proportional to its height or depth. Therefore, if a fluid is present at two different heights or depths, the pressure at the lower point will be higher than the pressure at the higher point.

Differential pressure sensors can be designed using different technologies, such as piezoresistive, capacitive, or resonant technologies. They can also be designed to measure a wide range of pressure differences, from very low pressures to very high pressures.

Differential pressure sensors are a useful tool for measuring pressure differences in various applications and are available in a variety of designs and types to suit different requirements.Differential Pressure Sensor

What's the difference between differential pressure sensors and differential pressure transducers and differential pressure transmitters?

Differential pressure sensors, differential pressure transducers, and differential pressure transmitters are all devices used to measure the difference in pressure between two points. However, there are some key differences between these devices:

Differential Pressure Sensors

Differential pressure sensors are typically simple devices that generate a signal that corresponds to the difference in pressure between two points. They are designed to measure the difference in pressure and provide a signal output, such as a voltage or current output. Differential pressure sensors are commonly used in applications where the pressure difference needs to be measured, but the signal needs to be processed by another device or system.

Differential Pressure Transducers

Differential pressure transducers are more advanced devices that convert the differential pressure measurement into an electrical signal that can be processed by a control system or computer. They typically have a built-in signal conditioning circuit that converts the signal into a standard output, such as 4-20mA, 0-10V, or digital outputs. Differential pressure transducers are commonly used in industrial applications where the pressure difference needs to be monitored and controlled.

Differential Pressure Transmitters

Differential pressure transmitters are similar to differential pressure transducers, but they typically have additional features, such as temperature compensation and digital communication protocols. They are designed to provide accurate and reliable measurements in harsh environments and are commonly used in process control and automation applications.

In summary, differential pressure sensors provide a signal output that corresponds to the pressure difference, while differential pressure transducers and transmitters convert the signal into a standardized output that can be used by a control system or computer. Differential pressure transmitters are typically the most advanced and sophisticated of these devices, with additional features to provide accurate and reliable measurements in industrial applications.

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