
Application and impact of sensors in the automotive industry

Mar 07, 2024

Automotive sensors are critical components of vehicles. It is an electronic device and an input device for the automotive computer system. It is composed of sensitive elements, conversion elements, conversion circuits and auxiliary power supplies. It is used to sense, communicate, evaluate, record and display information about the operation of the vehicle's internal and external environment. Automotive sensors can convert various working condition information during vehicle operation, such as vehicle speed, temperature of various media, engine operating conditions, etc., into electrical signals and transmit them to the computer so that the engine is in optimal working condition. There are many automotive sensors. When judging a sensor failure, you should not only consider the sensor itself, but the entire circuit where the failure occurred.

As an information collection source, automotive sensors can be divided into body sensing sensors and environment sensing sensors based on different information collection contents. Among them, body sensing sensors can be divided into temperature sensors, pressure sensors, speed sensors, flow sensors, position sensors, etc.; environment sensing sensors are divided into visual sensors, radar sensors, positioning sensors, etc.Automotive sensors are critical components of vehicles

Main types specific type Application areas
Body sensing sensor Temperature Sensor Mainly used to measure the temperature of the intake manifold, fuel, coolant, and exhaust gas.
Pressure Sensor Mainly used to measure the pressure of the fuel tank, fuel injection, brake fluid, and tires.
speed sensor Mainly used to measure engine crankshaft, camshaft and wheel speed.
Flow Sensors It is mainly used in automobile engines to measure the transient and steady-state mass airflow entering the engine.
position sensor Mainly used to measure the position of brake pedal, gear lever, variable valve and clutch.
environment sensing sensor vision sensor Refers to the vehicle-mounted camera, which collects information through the camera and performs algorithm recognition.
radar sensor Including ultrasonic radar, lidar and millimeter wave radar.
Positioning sensor Refers to the high-precision positioning sensor, which is used to achieve precise positioning of the vehicle.

the high-precision positioning sensor

Among them, position sensors dominate the market. Position sensors are used in vehicles to detect the position of steering columns, pedals, manifold flaps, and various actuators and valves. They can identify and transmit data about the position of the roof or seats, the closing of the roof or doors, and trigger important vehicle functions appropriately. Owing to its diverse uses, the position sensor industry is expected to dominate the automotive sensors market share during the forecast period. Pressure sensors are an important part of automotive safety devices and engine functions. The temperature monitor market is also expected to expand. They must observe the transmission oil temperature, exhaust gas temperature, engine oil temperature, fuel temperature and cooling water temperature to ensure the service life of the car engine.

The automotive industry continues to grow globally, primarily due to changing customer preferences, growing concerns about driver safety, environmental concerns, and strict government regulations that focus on collision avoidance rather than crash survival. Continuous pressure to meet efficiency and safety standards is fundamentally driving the need for sensor deployment. Data shows that the global automotive sensor market is expected to increase from US$2.051 billion in 2020 to US$6.462 billion in 2029, with a compound annual growth rate of 14.3% from 2022 to 2029.

In recent years, driven by national policies and the rapid development of smart cars, my country's automotive sensor industry has also entered a stage of rapid development, with the market size continuing to grow. Data shows that my country's automotive sensor market will grow from 15.73 billion yuan in 2017 to 26.39 billion yuan in 2021, with a compound annual growth rate of 13.8%. It is expected that as key technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence become increasingly mature, car sales and autonomous driving penetration rates increase, and in line with market trends and government policy support, my country's smart car industry will develop rapidly, and the demand for smart sensors will continue to increase. , which will also promote the continuous expansion of the automotive sensor market; it is predicted that the size of my country's automotive sensor market will reach 49.65 billion yuan by 2026.

Schwahr Technology is a professional automation solution provider with sensors as its core. It is backed by many powerful factories and can provide all kinds of sensors and various automation solutions you need. If you are interested in automotive sensors, Feel free to contact us anytime.sales@schwahrtechnology.com

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